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  • Writer's pictureEjirhoghene Oghenetegha

Arcanumfits is seeking to unite communities and challenge societal norms with Fashion.

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

Arcanumfits is seeking to unite communities and challenges societal norms with fashion.

Fashion has historically proven to be one facet of culture that has strategically shaped the lifestyle of humans.

Even in the Bible, Fashion was so vital that it was mentioned in the first book of the Bible. In the garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves together to make loincloths for themselves and God replaced that with garments of skin.

Fashion has been a confluence for young people, it brings them together, and even for some extremists, it’s worth fighting for. 

Back on the Christian frontier, in this current generation, young believers have become increasingly aware of the power fashion wields, and beyond being symbols of style, they are seeking to correct any form of ills that the misuse of fashion has produced.

One of them is Urchez - Creative Director and Co-Founder of Arcanumfits.

Arcanumfits is a fashion brand established in September of 2002, and launched via a debut collection themed ‘identity’ on July 8th 2023.

Arcanum is the Latin word for ‘mysterious’. The science behind this naming was to create a sense of mystery and also be a great conversation starter.

The core values of Arcanumfits are Love,Faith and Creativity..

Arcanumfits was born from a place of interest in fashion, a desire to create stand-alone designs and achieve a distinct look.

 Arcanumfits also seeks to spread the tentacles of their production arm with jewellery and other fashion accessories.


At Arcanumfits, Fashion is important in shaping culture and as a cognitive means of identification, they are committed to building a new wave of fashion design and styling. 

On the 8th of July, they launched their debut collection labeled ‘identity’. The narrative with this drop was to combat the menacing identity crisis that the world is currently undergoing.

This collection consists of t-shirts in three variants of White, Black and Yellow. With Tote Bags and caps.


Arcanumfits is on social media as @arcanumfits.

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1 comentário

14 de jul. de 2023

Beautiful piece

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